Featured Communities
St George
Under $200,000
$200,000 to $300,000
$300,000 to $400,000
$400,000 to $500,000
$500,000 to $600,000
$600,000 to $700,000
Luxury Homes
Under $200,000
$200,000 to $300,000
$300,000 to $400,000
$400,000 to $500,000
$500,000 to $600,000
$600,000 to $700,000
Luxury Homes
Santa Clara
Under $200,000
$200,000 to $300,000
$300,000 to $400,000
$400,000 to $500,000
$500,000 to $600,000
$600,000 to $700,000
Luxury Homes
Featured Listings
650 N Red Stone RD #9
Washington, UT 84780 - $505,000
Single Family | MLS#: 24-256473
3 bd | 2 ba | 1,608 sf | 0.05 acDesert Color, Lot 442 Phase 4
St George, UT 84790 - $563,182
Single Family | MLS#: 24-252287
3 bd | 3 ba | 1,702 sf | 0.11 ac896 E Mesa Vista DR
Ivins, UT 84738 - $1,395,000
Single Family | MLS#: 24-255986
5 bd | 4 ba | 2,675 sf | 1.13 ac3617 S Cypress Point RD
Hurricane, UT 84737 - $2,895,000
Single Family | MLS#: 24-255346
6 bd | 7 ba | 4,683 sf | 0.24 acDesert Color, Lot 534 Phase 5
St George, UT 84790 - $393,900
Condo/Townhome | MLS#: 24-254010
3 bd | 2.5 ba | 1,569 sf | 0.01 ac1077 N Buffalo CT
Ivins, UT 84738 - $978,000
Single Family | MLS#: 24-252913
3 bd | 3 ba | 1,985 sf | 0.42 ac560 W Aqua Cove
St George, UT 84790 - $467,700
Condo/Townhome | MLS#: 24-256241
3 bd | 2.5 ba | 1,492 sf | 0.03 ac389 N 1580 W
Hurricane, UT 84737 - $729,000
Single Family | MLS#: 24-253707
3 bd | 3 ba | 1,981 sf | 0.41 ac668 W Emerald Point DR
St George, UT 84790 - $591,900
Single Family | MLS#: 24-256740
4 bd | 2.5 ba | 2,138 sf | 0.11 ac3683 S Mckenzie LN
Washington, UT 84780 - $1,550,000
Single Family | MLS#: 24-250892
4 bd | 4 ba | 2,766 sf | 0.32 acDesert Color, Lot 539 Phase 5
St George, UT 84790 - $453,333
Condo/Townhome | MLS#: 24-256161
3 bd | 2.5 ba | 1,457 sf | 0.03 ac39 W Elinor LN
Washington, UT 84780 - $950,000
Single Family | MLS#: 24-253159
5 bd | 4.5 ba | 4,146 sf | 0.32 ac1426 N Overland Trails DR
Washington, UT 84780 - $519,900
Single Family | MLS#: 24-254449
3 bd | 2 ba | 1,786 sf | 0.22 ac4233 Hwy 219
Enterprise, UT 84725 - $1,475,000
Single Family | MLS#: 23-242957
4 bd | 3 ba | 2,856 sf | 198.97 ac